Sexual assault is a difficult topic. There are different types of sexual assault and unfortunately, institutional sexual assault is common and can be extremely damaging to the victims.
State Statutes
Each state has its own statute surrounding institutional sexual assault. Institutional sex assault in Pennsylvania is defined as sexual misconduct between two people that have a specific relationship. Usually, the assaulter has the power of authority over the victim. For example, a teacher having sexual misconduct with a student. In the state of Pennsylvania, the age of the victim doesn’t matter and a victim can be any age.
School is just one example, but many institutes see sexual assault cases.
Recognized Institutes include:
- Religious organizations (church)
- Nursing homes and care facilities
- Medical facilities (hospitals)
- Department of Corrections (jail)
- Schools and University
The penalties of institutional sexual assault vary across each state but are usually severe. For example, in the state of Pennsylvania, those convicted can face up to seven years in prison and up to a $15,000 fine. They will need to register as a sexual offender and the crime stays on their permanent record.
Examples Of Institutional Sexual Assault
Institutional sexual assault is common because these organizations feel that they can prey on innocent and oftentimes young victims. To stop this from happening over and over again, victims need to know they can come forward so assaulters can be held accountable.
Religious Organizations
Religious organizations such as churches have had a long-standing problem with institutional sexual abuse and have been covered up for years. Sexual assault can happen to anyone at these religious institutions which usually include churches, religious schools, and missions.
Hospitals And Nursing Homes
Hospitals and nursing homes are also common places for sexual assault. Some signs of sexual assault include a doctor declining to have another person in the room while examining you, especially when examining private areas. Other signs include not wearing gloves during a private examination or examining private areas for no reason. Sexual assault can also happen to patients right after surgery since they are usually out of it and has no idea what is going on.
Patients at nursing homes are vulnerable due to their declining health, making them targets for sexual assaults. Signs to look for include bruising, acting fearful, or abnormal behavior.
Schools And Universities
As we mentioned before, schools and universities are other common places for institutional sexual assault. Since these places are so concerned about public perception, schools usually try to deny or ignore allegations.
When anyone is sexually assaulted by a teacher or any employee of the school, a religious organization, or a hospital, victims need to speak up to put a stop to this behavior in the organization.