Writing summaries is an important part of the legal process—but as a busy entrepreneur, it may not be as high up on your priority list as it should be! Unless you’re a professional writer, you probably don’t want to spend hours writing deposition summaries examples.
Below are 9 reasons why you should consider outsourcing your deposition summary writing:
- It’s a time-saver.
- You can focus on other things while you wait for your summary copy to be delivered to you. Work on projects that need your attention now, so that when you receive the summary copy, it’s ready for final review and approval.
- You’ll have more time to develop your case strategy and prepare for trial.
- You can save money because it costs less than if you hired an employee who would need training and supervision from someone like yourself who is familiar with the process of reviewing depositions in order to compose summaries for them as well as other legal documents that require more than just basic writing skills but also a good understanding of how these documents should be written in order for them to serve their intended purpose(s).
- You’ll be able to focus on your clients’ needs, not just the paperwork they need you to do!
- Your quality of service will improve because you’re not spending all your time doing something that can be outsourced instead (for less money).
- You’ll get better at managing your legal team overall because you’ll know what they’re doing every day and how they’re contributing toward the success of your case—which means less micromanaging and more strategic planning!
- Outsourcing makes it easier for everyone involved in the litigation process (both attorneys and clients) because there’s no risk of miscommunication between parties since everything is done through email or phone calls.
- Your deposition summaries will be written to industry standards. This means your summaries will be consistent with the way others in your industry write them, which helps avoid confusion or misunderstandings.
As we have detailed above, the reasons for outsourcing are simple. With a single click, you can find qualified and experienced drafters who are experts in writing up deposition summaries. When you consider how much time can be saved by outsourcing this task and getting a professional, polished draft back within days, it’s really no contest.